
Orthodontics is that branch of dentistry that deals with the correct alignment of teeth by means of orthodontic devices, which can be mobile, fixed or invisible (invisalign).
- Movable dental appliances: usually used at night. They are appliances made of coloured resin, reinforced with metal yarns, which pull the dental elements leading to their correct alignment. They are usually used in children between the ages of 6 and 13, whose permanent teeth have not emerged yet.
- Fixed dental appliances: they contain multiple plates that fit on each tooth, joined together by a metallic arc. Plates may be metallic or in white ceramic, less visible, therefore aesthetically improved.
- Invisalign dental appliances: are invisible dental appliances. They are transparent devices that accurately reproduce the patient's dental arch. This technique generally treats less serious malformations. These appliances are produced in the U.S.A., based on a highly precise impression and a series of photos and X-rays performed by the dentist. Based on the impression taken and the X-rays sent by the dental practice, technicians can make a video reproducing the progressive movement of teeth that will lead to the final result. Devices are changed in pairs every 14 days, and must be worn at least 23 hours a day to get the best results. They can be took off while eating or when drinking a coloured drink and while brushing.
Removable dental appliance

It is the only dental appliance that can influence controlled growth of the jaw and mandible, enlarge the arches, allowing the teeth to erupt and align correctly, and correct the crowded ones.
Removable dental appliances are used especially for children aged between 7 and 11, during the growing period. But there are cases where this appliance is just the precursor of a fixed one (is worn before a fixed appliance).
The orthodontist takes a dental impression according to which the mobile orthodontic appliance is made: the base is made up of two pieces of acrylate, which are connected by a “screw” plus a few hooks. The role of the hooks is to force the teeth in order to reposition them and maintain them in the corrected position.
Activation of a mobile dental appliance is only done following the guidance of the specialist orthodontist and exclusively at the intervals he/she suggests. If at the beginning such an appliance causes the little ones a certain discomfort or oral injuries, please contact us and your orthodontist can adapt the appliance to resolve any inconvenience.
The efficiency of an orthodontic treatment with a mobile appliance depends on the collaboration of the little patient and their determination to wear it permanently!
Space maintainers

Space maintainers are mandatory when we must extract deciduous teeth destroyed early by eruption of the permanent tooth. Space maintainers have to meet certain requirements: To maintain enough space for the permanent replacement tooth. Not to interfere with growing processes, prevent extrusion of antagonists, ensure functioning if the permanent tooth does not erupt within 6 months, have a nice appearance in the case of front teeth.
The type of the space maintainer will be chosen according to each clinical case. In principle, it is preferable to apply fixed space maintainers because they provide the certainty of efficiency, in that they can not be removed by the patient.
Maxillary expander

The maxillary expander is an orthodontic treatment used in situations where there are small and narrow jaws, insufficient space for teeth growth (in children), dental entrapment or crossbite. It is a fixed dental device applied to the upper arch with the role of stimulating bone growth and increase the space for the teeth to grow and align properly. Widening of the dental arch is stimulated by a special screw, which should be twisted by the patient twice a day (2-4 weeks in a row) to stimulate the expansion of the palate and make room for proper teeth growth.
Fixed orthodontic appliance

A Fixed orthodontic appliance is a device used to straighten poorly aligned teeth and correct malocclusion (bad bite). The orthodontist will analyse panoramic and profile X-rays, study patterns made after taking impressions of dental arches and, after assessing the capacity of teeth to withstand the pressure of the appliance, will choose the right solution. Orthodontic treatment can take between 9 months to 3 years or more, depending on the seriousness of the orthodontic problem found. There are also cases of incorrect positioning of the entire jaw, where the orthodontic appliance's effect should be complemented by an orthognathic surgery.
Until a few years ago, the only option was the movable orthodontic appliance, but today there are several types of orthodontic appliances. Orthodontic appliances are designed to allow the dentist to move the teeth on three dimensions. Patients can choose between stainless steel or gold-plated, ceramic, composite appliances. The choice depends on several factors: what the treatment involves (how severe the occlusion is, how bad the malposition of teeth is, whether surgery is necessary or not, for how long should the appliance be worn), budget available, treatment duration and patient's desire. The fixed orthodontic appliance is the most used, making it possible to correct the position of teeth more accurately and more finely than a mobile device.
Metal fixed orthodontic appliances

Metal brackets are made of nickel-titanium alloys or even titanium alloys and are fixed to the surface of the tooth by chemical adhesion (bonding).
Compared to ceramic ones, metal brackets are less expensive, but they work equally well. It is the cheapest type of fixed orthodontic appliance.
Sapphire fixed orthodontic appliances
Braces provides you with a beautiful and healthy smile, but being visible during treatment can often cause you to delay wearing it. The solution is to choose a discreet orthodontic appliance!
Sapphire brackets look nice (are discreet, there is very little to be seen), are suitable for those who work in the front-office or those who want to wear the same appliance as their favourite celebrity. They are easy to wear and develop no colour. In addition, they are discreet and classy due to sapphire crystals.
Invisalign/clear aligner invisible appliances
These aligners are invisible, powerful and effective orthodontic appliances. Similarly to traditional appliances, they realign teeth step by step, applying a controlled and constant force on them, until they align as you please, but they do not have brackets or wires.
An advanced technology is used, which relies on 3D computer image, to turn your dental impression into a series of mobile aligners. Once the dental impression has arrived in the special laboratories where this technique is used, the 3D image and mouth guards for your teeth are created.
Because every person is unique, an individualized treatment is provided. Thus, the orthodontist within the U-Smile Clinic can show you on a computer how your device works and what will be the result.
During the treatment you will wear several sets of aligners, each being replaced every 2 weeks until your teeth are perfectly aligned.
Incognito lingual appliance is fixed to the back of teeth and is almost invisible even when you put on a large smile. These type of brackets are made of metal or gold alloy and are customized for each tooth, therefore each appliance is unique.
The lingual technique is an excellent option for adults and adolescents, with net benefits superior to those of classical orthodontic appliances, especially in terms of mental comfort, because the device is virtually invisible to those around.
Choosing a lingual orthodontic appliance offers you many advantages, but there are still some disadvantages.
A retainer is the appliance recommended by the orthodontist at the end of the period of wearing such an appliance in order to ensure, in the long run, the maintenance of the correct teeth position. If the retainer is not applied at the end of the orthodontic treatment, teeth will change their position, returning to the original incorrect one in the next 12 months.
The retainer is a useful and necessary tool for all patients who have undergone orthodontic treatment. With this device, teeth get “accustomed” to the correct position adopted while wearing the braces.
Types of retainers

Retainers may be mobile or fixed. Mobile retainer can only be worn during the night, while fixed ones must be worn permanently until treatment is completed.
The fixed retainer, although it should be worn permanently, is not visible, as it is the case of most orthodontic appliances. In general, upper teeth are attached with a mouth-guard-like device, while lower teeth are held in the correct position with a wire retainer, both of which are placed on the back of teeth.
How long should a retainer be worn
The duration of the need to wear a retainer varies from one patient to another, depending on the severity of the problem being treated. The period may vary from a few months in the case of minor orthodontic problems to several years, and meanwhile sufficient bone tissue will form around the teeth so that they would not change their position any more.
When the orthodontic treatment was performed in childhood or adolescence, the dentist may recommend wearing the retainer until about 25 years or until the age at which jaw development stops, and the final dentition is complete.
Maintenance of a retainer
Maintenance of a retainer, be it fixed or mobile, is done in accordance with the orthodontist's recommendations. The specialist will provide, as appropriate, a set of clear rules for its sanitation, so as to avoid any inconvenience.
In order to ensure the integrity and efficiency of your retainer, the orthodontist will schedule consultations at regular intervals – 1, 3, 6 months – depending on the complexity of the case being treated.